Friday, March 20, 2020

Top 10 Advantages of Fiber Laser Machine

If we look at the major categories, there are a total of three types of laser machines available.
  1. CO2 laser cutter: They are useful on plastics, foam, leather, paper products, wood, acrylic.
  2. Fiber laser cutter: They are useful in metals and plastics.
  3. Crystal laser cutter: They are useful on materials like plastics, metal and some types of ceramics.
Each of the laser machines being unique in their own way and have advantages of their own. 

If you are a shop owner then you can use laser machines to engrave and customize the products of your shop according to your customers’ needs. You can even collaborate with some of the NGOs and help customize their products.

Fiber and CO2 cutting machines have been a mainstream cutting solution for the fabricators. But if you look closely, they both have differences in terms of applications.

For example,

Speed – Fiber laser machines are faster than CO2 lasers in thin materials as a slight lead in speed absorbs laser with when cutting with Nitrogen.

Cost per part – Fiber ones cost less than the CO2  laser depending on sheet thickness.

Beam guidance – fiber optics.

The workflow:

Fiber laser cutting is a method which makes use of focused high power density as the main heat source to illuminate the workpiece.

The use of laser cutting with parts like bystronic parts, precitec nozzles is increasing day by day because of its ease of use and advancements.

Let’s look at the advantages it has to offer:

1. Less Expensive:

Fiber laser cutting machines are less expensive. This is the major advantage of having a laser machine. The focus lens comes covered within the cutting head.


So, if you use a focus lens with care then there are more chances of it staying for a long time and you will not need to replace it continuously.

2. No Moving Parts:

This, in turn, helps in maintaining the machine and decreases the operating costs. Fiber optic cabling passes the light pulses hence it does not require moving mirrors to generate the laser. 

Another form of laser parts like bystronic parts, precitec nozzles uses a moving mirror in order to heighten the laser’s power. You need to maintain the mirror on a regular basis to use it for a long time.

If you do not maintain the machine then the chances of material damaging may increase. This makes the laser machine offline but it may even increase the operational costs.

3. Increases the cutting speed:

The main advantage of fiber laser is its speed. Suppose you are cutting a straight line of 1mm in thickness then, a fiber laser will cut three times faster than traditional laser.

However, while cutting through 2mm thickness the speed may decrease twice and not less than that. 

It represents the sizable changes.

4. Reflective Material:

The major problem of using traditional laser can be its reflective material. There are chances of laser to bounce back the reflective material, which in turn damages the equipment.

Because of this reason the traditional lasers are no more useful when you want to cut brass, aluminum, and copper. But, with the help of fiber optic lasers working on reflective material becomes easy.

5. High electric efficiency:

Conventional CO2 laser needs energy to produce the laser beam. In fact, the 2kW fiber laser cutting setup uses a third power as a 4kW CO2. 

However, the fiber optic is not efficient every time but, due to the low energy requirements, it increases the life expectancy of hardware.

6. Low Heat Output:

Fiber laser machines have cooling systems in comparison with other laser machines. This maintains the overall health of the machine by keeping the heat low and does even distribution through the setup.


Laser cutting machines have been in the market for a year now and they are here to stay. The use of these machines is beyond our imagination.

Each laser type has its own time and a place. However, these are the most substantial benefits a fiber optics laser has over other conventional lasers.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Modernize Your Old Press Brake Considering These Steps

Having an old press brake machine is like a headache for owners. You go into the dilemma of whether to keep it or sell it. However, replacing the old machine can be a costly deal and logistics can be an added challenge.

But how about retrofitting your existing press brake with parts like LVD press brake or Mazak used parts with increased efficiency? This will help reduce setup time, scrap and even your operator or you will not be skeptical about learning a new press brake machine.

Here are five steps to transform your old machines and make them brand new.

1. Evaluate the Machine’s Condition:

Before performing anything to your machines, you need to study the current condition and know the ins and outs of it.
Make sure you are considering the following things before making any changes.
  • Accuracy:
Check the current bending accuracy of your sheets. This depends on the bending method you are using. Are you using coining, bottom bending or air bending for sheet metal?

While checking the accuracy, if you find out that your sheet is bending accurately maintaining all the standards, then there is no need to replace your machines.

In such scenarios, some changes here and there will make all the difference.
  • Pedestal Control:
Having proper pedestal control is important. For many Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), having proper pedestal control is important because without these having programmable logic boards are difficult.

Researching the availability of these components can be a perfect solution rather than investing in a new pedestal control.
  • Press Brake Control:
Having control over the press brake machine is important. There are various ways to control the press brake. You can either control it manually or with a programmable control head.

In such scenarios, it is important to understand that retrofitting your machine can be difficult and may turn out to be an expensive solution.

But, if the machine is running properly without the need for any digital control then a basic change in it will work for you.

2. Know your machine:

There are various types of press brake machines, parts like LVD press brake, Mazak used parts available in the market. Each of them has different functionalities and features. In such scenarios, you need to understand your machine thoroughly.

3. Understand the pain points:

As the press brake owner or the operator, you need to understand the obstacles you come across while using it. For example, if you frequently move the tool, then you will need to keep adjusting the height of your gauging surface.

In such cases, you need to understand what can be a better option when it comes to working with its tools.
  • Depth/ Angles:
Are you manually adjusting the ram depth or angle often? If so, you can increase the productivity by adding the ram axis or Y axis to the back gauge or front gauge.

4. Proper Approach:

If you opt for retrofitting your press brake machine, then, then there are companies doing the same work. They may ask you the overall length of the press brake machine, the distance between the side frame, usage, type of sheet metal are you bending, etc.

They would also ask if is it a single or multiple operated supporting sheets, the control capabilities, and many such things.

Many companies have different controls for different applications. You can use them for things like go-to-positions-style control, make one-off parts or PC based control like networking, offline programming or unlimited storage.

It says that sophisticated control offers great benefits, but in reality, they require more front-end planning. Because these companies require accurate measurements of your tooling.

Wrapping it up:

Having a press brake and maintaining should not be a headache. Before taking any major steps, it is better to rethink, reuse for increased efficiency.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Future of Press Brake

Press brake is a machine that bends the metal sheets. Its basic structure includes a bracket, table and clamping plate.

One can divide sheet metals into two categories:
  • Galvanized steel
  • Stainless steel
Further, Galvanized steel has two sub-categories:
  • Electro-galvanized sheet
  • Hot-dipped metallic-coated sheets
Each type of material will require a different type of Press Brake machine.

Today this technology has come a long way and the Press brake industry is experiencing a major transformation phase with some great future opportunities.

So, strap in, and let’s have a look.

According to current buzz in the market, press brakes would dominate the market by bringing a lot of opportunities for fabricators. When we look over the market share of the press brake, there are some emerging opportunities for small local and global vendors.

The global market scenario of press brake machine:

Gone are the days when fabricators were using mechanical press brakes. With hydraulic and pneumatic press brakes, there has been a major shift in the utilities.

On the other side, the wave of automation is heading high with more and more industries adopting computers, robotics getting involved in it. And sheet pressing being an important part of their systems, there are expectations to have a higher demand for sheet bending in the coming years. This automatically indicates the high-growth of Press Brakes, Trumpf parts, Mitsubishi machine parts in the coming years.

When choosing the press brakes, one thing that fabricators look for is the programmability. With the evolution of operational parameters, enhancement of press brake will pick up the speed and will even make it easy for fabricators to use them on a regular basis.


The growth of the press brake market varies according to regions. There is an expectation that in terms of value, press brake will be ahead in the market of developed countries.

Whereas, in developing countries, there is an expectation that the press brake market including Trumpf parts, Mitsubishi machine parts will grow even bigger during the most during financial years.

Apart from these possibilities, we can expect that at the global level applications of press brake may grow as well. It will be useful in areas like transport, building construction, automation industry, and general machinery applications. But, let’s not forget the strict norms of certification for press brake might obstruct the growth of the market.

As per the current situation, we can divide the market of the press brake on the basis of the regions, types of applications.

Now, let’s look at the possible opportunities in its applications:

Press brake categorizes into general machinery, transport machines, building and construction, sheet cutting or any other applications.

Additionally, the geographical share of Press Brakes covers seven regions i.e. North America, CIS & Russia, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Europe.

The constant change and evolution in the press brake machines are turning out to be a great help for fabricators.

Before the press brakes, fabricators were bending the sheets manually. Due to its complexity, it was one of the most tedious tasks of their job. But, now the introduction of technology gave birth to hydraulic machines.

We can say that the hydraulic machines have made the process of bending sheet materials easy and fast for fabricators.

This constant evolution gave birth to good press brake machines. These new machines come with high precision, good speed and easy bending of sheets.

Final Words:

In this ever-growing world, change is the only constant be it with any industry. The involvement of technology is making the lives of fabricators easy. In return, users are getting end products with better results.

Hence, making the most out of your machines and being future-ready is the only practice to stay ahead in the competition.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Rebirth of Vinyl Records

Vinyl records have been in the market for years. It was a major source of music for the people of 20th century.

And after that, they were almost gone. However, with the advancement in the laser industry, laser engraving has been a versatile solution for many industries.

This article talks about the recent re-emergence of vinyl records because of laser engraving technology.

A little throwback to the history

Developed in the mid-1800s, Vinyl records were among the most dominant source of music till the 20th century. In 1990s the small size cassettes and CDs replaced these vinyl records.

The introduction of technology in the entertainment industry made people adopt new emerging things. However, these instruments were able to maintain their worth. With a large number of people still using vinyls to record their music.

With the introduction of engraving technology, these recorders have started coming back in trend. 

Numerous artists have started recording music in this format. In fact, according to current reports, vinyl sales are increasing year over year.

Additionally, Sony recently made an announcement that for the first time in 30 years they will be reopening the vinyl plant.

On the other hand, CNBC did a report on vinyl sales that stated that in 2016 total sale numbers for vinyl were 13 million. The highest number ever the company has had since 1991.

How this transformation became possible?

Laser Engraving in Vinyl Record:

In 2016 a company named Rebeat, located in Australia did a patent of the new method i.e. producing vinyl records using laser engraving. Later when they were able to increase their funding, they went on to reintroduce these records in the market.

Rebeat is calling these new records HD vinyl. And according to sources, these new records would have long playtime and better sound quality.

If you are looking to upgrade your laser machines with new parts you can look online for Bystronic spare parts or Prima spare parts for quality results.


The digital audio data from the device converts into an accurate image and represents it in a 3D inverted surface model for music. Further, it goes for mastering and size evaluation to prevent any unneeded gaps during printing.

It creates 3D images on ceramic plates. Whereas in traditional vinyl pressing, nickel stampers are useful instead of ceramics. 


But, they wear out faster compared to other ceramics and produce records that decrease the quality as stamping plates lose details.

In fact, Rebeat claimed that with the help of laser engraving along with ceramic plates, up to 10,000 records production is possible without any loss in quality.

Additionally, they even said that by replacing vinyl pressing with laser engraving they were able to reduce the manufacturing time by 60%.

Pro tip: All HD vinyl produced by Rebeat will be backwards compatible and will be playable on any standard turntable.

Oreo Records and Laser Engraving:

Another big news is from Oreo cookie company. According to reports from Digital Music News, oreo recently partnered with the company called Dimension Plus to create Oreos capable of playing on the special turntable.

The company engraves the grooves on the iconic cookies which in turn produces Oreo’s theme song in different music styles like Jazz, classical, electronic and Chinese pop music.

To upgrade your laser machines with new parts you can look online for Bystronic spare parts or Prima spare parts for quality results.

A few of the major reasons that define the longevity of the records:
  1. Young collectors are having interests in collecting these records as it gives them a retro feel.
  2. The interest of baby boomers who grew up using them.
  3. The audio quality of vinyl records renders the best results. Because they are the closest to the original format.
  4. Additionally, engraved Vinyl records can be an art piece or autographs from their favorite artists.
Final Words:

Sometimes it may seem that technology is overpowering the world of music. However, Vinyl records and laser engraving can be the best example to overrule this type of statement. The collaboration between laser engraving and vinyl records is thriving in the industry and creates the need as it gives them the freedom of reliving those good old days again with a touch of technology.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Laser Engraving Showing its Magic In the Entertainment World

From personalizing guitar picks to engraving name-plates on Oscars, laser engraving has been a key part of the entertainment industry.

This article sheds light on how it can be useful in some other parts of the entertainment world as well.
1. Fan Merchandise:

In retail merchandise, producing products that stand out is important. Introducing uniqueness and customization can be the opening door for you to kick-start into retail merchandising.

In this case, Laser engraving can come handy for bands, artists to sell their custom merchandise. As it connects them with customers on a personal level, they can also promote their upcoming tours, increase their fan base, and build their brand name.

Artists like Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, BTS, and bands like One Direction regularly offer custom merch. You can build these types of products on the basis of new releases, campaigns, tours, etc. And one can use laser engraving to engrave products like cutting boards, keychains, sometimes exclusive autographed products, etc.

2. Instruments:

Thinking of giving a personalized gift to someone? Then why not try laser engraving! The laser-engraved instruments can be special gifts they would never forget.

Additionally, you would get a variety of options to apply laser engraving to:
  • Guitars
  • Instrument cases
  • Drum Sticks
  • Pianos
3. Vinyl Engraving:

There were times when traditional vinyl records ruled the market. However, they are again in the limelight all thanks to laser engraving.

A company named Rebeat in 2016 arranged a patent for creating vinyl records in a new way with unique markings. Recently, they worked out on their funding and hope to introduce laser-engraved vinyl records in the market very soon.

Additionally, laser marking records can have better sound quality, produce more amplitude, and last a longer playing time compared to traditional methods. Hence, you can look out for laser marked vinyl in the upcoming months!

4. Concerts:

Not laser marking, but laser, in general, also plays a different but important role in the music industry with attractive light visuals, laser bands, laser lights in the concerts. They create a variety of entertaining visuals that many times take artists’ and bands’ shows to the next level.

Using special background effects with the help of laser during concerts can add up a special sequel that can create a different type of atmosphere among the audience. You can use create this type of laser effect depending on the different genres to entertain your audience.

If you are looking to upgrade your laser machines with new parts you can look online for Fanuc parts or Trumpf parts for quality results.

5. Movies:

Movies are an integral part of the entertainment industry and here are a few ways how lasers have been a part of the movies.
  • Awards:
Some of the most famous awards like Grammys, Oscars, AMAs, etc. use laser engraving technology to prepare their awards.

As laser engraving provides precision with speed, you can have a smooth finishing touch to it.
  • Movie Posters:
If you are a cinephile person, thinking of having a collection of movie posters, then how about having laser engraved posters of your favorite movies? Be it the famous superhero movie like Avengers or one of the classics like Frankenstein, you can create laser engraved posters to make a unique type of collection. You can either get them from any shop or get them laser engraved yourself.
  • Theaters:
In recent years, laser technology made it in the theaters as well. Recently, the famous IMAX has introduced IMAX with laser in which they use laser projection. This type of projection uses a 4K laser system to provide customers with high-resolution images, better visual effects, and enhanced contrasts. Compared to other projectors these types of projectors perform better in every aspect.

Final Words:

A subset of laser marking, laser engraving practice is thriving in the entertainment industry. Since it does not involve the use of inks, you can get long-lasting, precise results on your products giving them a personalized touch. To upgrade your machines with new laser parts you can look online for Trumpf parts or Fanuc parts to get started.
