Friday, January 22, 2021

Plasma Cutting And Plasma Cutting Parts - A Guide

Plasma cutting came to light in the 1960s, out of plasma welding, and commenced as an effective process to slit metal sheets and plates in the 1980s. 

It had the edge over the conventional “metal against metal” cutting of producing no metal chips, giving perfect cuts, and producing a cleaner edge than Oxy-fuel cutting. 

What is a Plasma Cutter?

Plasma Cutter slits down the metal by directing air or inert gas through the plasma torch, sparking an electric arc, and then forcing plasma through the torch tip to slit the metal.

The plasma cutter curve can reach up to the temperature of 45000 degrees F, which turns it into one of the fastest ways to slice the metal. 

Plasma cutters come up with an on/off switch and amperage settings that regulate the power to use for cutting.

Provided with so much power yet plasma cutting is a safe, and clean way to cut metal.

Process of Plasma Cutting

Plasma Cutting, also known as plasma fusion cutting, is a process that employs superheated, ionized gas channeled through the plasma torch to heat, melt, and ultimately slit the material into shapes and designs.

Plasma cutting is a constructive way of cutting for a wide range of materials like structural steel, copper, and aluminum, and thickness ranging between 0.5mm to 180mm. 

Plasma cutting is often presented as a substitute for laser cutting and water-cutting and has certain advantages over these options, like faster cutting and low operational cost.

Plasma Cutter Parts

In a nutshell, the plasma cutter parts are components of the plasma cutter. Most of the plasma cutters consist of a swirl ring, electrode, nozzle, shield cap, and retaining cap.

These components remain the same for the cutting torch, including Hypertherm powermax 65 fine cut consumables and Hypertherm plasma cutter parts.

1. Swirl Ring

It is a small component inside the torch that revolves the gas surrounding the plasma arc. Basically, it is a protective layer that protects the Nozzle from burning.

2. Electrode

An electrode is a slim piece of paper containing hafnium. Its main task is to carry electric current from the torch to the plate where it is connected and to focus the charge through the tip, which causes it to work on the workpiece.

3. Nozzle

The Nozzle focuses the arc and the gas surrounding the material to make a slice clearly. The bigger nozzles are good for gouging, while the nozzles with small openings are better for the fine detailed work.

4. Shield Cap

This cap’s role is to protect the torch and other components from sparks during the plasma cutting process. 

5. Retaining Cap

The role of the retaining cap is to hold all the consumable parts of the torch together. As this component holds the consumables together, it degrades over time.

Tips to prolong the plasma cutter consumables

Cutting Parameters: Slicing quickly, slowly, and at the wrong distance from your material can wear your consumables more quickly.

Right Installation: Installing your parts is essential for the perfect functioning of the plasma cutter. Make sure the consumables can tolerate the amperage and are well assembled.

Observing: Keep track of your components and how they are wearing so that you can replace the worn part with the new one. This keeps other parts unaffected. Also, make sure to change the Nozzle and electrode frequently, or they will strain the whole system.

The above tips apply to all the plasma cutter parts, including Hypertherm plasma cutter parts.

Benefits of Plasma Cutting

Plasma cutting has many benefits that have made it an attractive application in many industries. Let’s have a look at them:

  • Enhances the speed of cutting.
  • One can work on a wide range of materials.
  • It offers portability to work on job sites.
  • There is no requirement for the preheat cycle.

End Words

As with any other machinery, it is essential to check out the plasma cutter and to make sure the plasma cutter you buy has a good return policy in case it does not work for you.

In addition, you should also keep the above tips in mind to maintain your plasma cutter and plasma cutter consumables.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Laser vs Waterjet vs Plasma Cutter - What Sets Them Apart

Laser, waterjet, plasma cutting? Nearly everyone dealing with metal fabrication might question which one to choose. There is no definite answer. It depends on various factors like its process and what you value the most.

To solve your issue below is the breakdown of their process and advantages/disadvantages.

Laser Cutting 

The laser slits the material through the nozzle that gives incredible focus to the light beam through the curved lens. Laser cutting is all about preciseness and accuracy.

The focused beam vaporizes the material into gas, which makes it perfect for accuracy.

What can it cut?

Laser cutting is a little more versatile when it comes to cutting a variety of materials. It can slit plastic, rubber, wood, ceramic, and many other metals with accuracy. Laser cutting offers you the edgy quality, over the sheet, plate, and tube.

Advantages of Laser Cutting

  • Laser cutting is a speedy process.
  • It allows you to cut complex shapes at a faster pace.
  • Can cut metals and non-metals.
  • Can work on material with a variety of thicknesses.
  • Laser cutting is reliable.

Disadvantages of Laser Cutting 

  • Laser cutting involves higher capital costs than plasma and waterjet. 
  • High power consumption.
  • It is difficult to use on reflective metals. 
  • Requires the safety measures to protect the operator.
  • It can cause micro-fracturing on some materials.

Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet cutting is the process that uses a high-pressure jet of water. Or you can say a combination of water and an abrasive substance to slit the various materials.

What can it cut?

Waterjets are able to cut anything; stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, ceramics, granite, and the materials that are sensitive to high temperatures. It can cut almost any shape with precision and a blur-free edge. 

It uses the same tool for different kinds of materials, so you do not need to switch it every time. But this process creates a big volume of cutting waste as compared to Laser.


  • Can cut any kind of material.
  • It doesn’t overheat the materials and thus maintains its form.
  • It can slit even thicker materials.
  • It is a highly accurate process.
  • It generates no fumes.

Disadvantages of Waterjet Cutting

  • This process creates abrasive dust that can hinder the movement of machine parts. 
  • Sometimes this process can be noisy.
  • This process can be slow on some materials as compared to laser and plasma cutting.
  • The abrasive materials tend to be costly.
  • Overflow of the water can create EPA issues.

Plasma Cutting

Plasma cutting uses a plasma torch to slit the material. An electrically conductive gas moves energy from an electrical power source through the torch. 

The nozzle offers the focus to the plasma arc and funnels the gas flow while the electrode bears the current. The swirl ring then allows gases to exit the rings at different temperatures. 

Also while buying the plasma cutting machine, make sure the machine has esab plasma cutter consumables and Hypertherm hpr260 consumables as they are easy to find and replace.

What can it cut?

Plasma cutting is apt for cutting materials like stainless steel, aluminum, and copper. It can slit both ferrous and nonferrous metals, but non-conductive substances such as wood or plastic can’t be cut.  


  • Plasma cutting can work on a variety of materials.
  • Varieties of table lengths and sizes are available.
  • Recent advancement in technology offers a better result.
  • The price of the plasma cutter can up to one-third of the similar-sized laser machine.
  • One can learn the process quickly.


  • Plasma cutting is not as accurate as Laser or Waterjet.
  • This process creates fumes.
  • Not as flexible as the laser cutting process of thin and thick materials.
  • The cutting head components need to be changed for different metals and metal thickness. 

End Words

While selecting the cutting methods it’s essential to note down their process, advantages, and are your requirements. Hence, while purchasing any device you must know what it offers and your requirements. Try to operate plasma cutting machines with good quality parts like esab plasma cutter consumables.


Monday, January 18, 2021

Fiber Laser Cutting - Features, Advantages, and Components

Fiber laser cutting is the heat cutting process that makes use of a focused laser beam to light up the material. This causes the materials to melt, evaporate, and cut out.

Fiber lasers are a limb of the family called ‘Solid State lasers.’ The laser beam is generated by a solid medium in the solid-state lasers. Fiber laser falls into the small category. 

This technology is perfect with the high power fiber lasers in the recent past, as it constantly improves.

Fiber laser cutting has become the hot spot of industry research and development as it has many features and advantages. Let’s discuss them below:

Features of Laser cutting 

  • Fine Quality Cutting

Laser Cutting has the power to deliver fine cutting due to its high energy and quick cutting speed.

The laser beam focuses on the small point of light with high power density. The hole is formed into a fine and clean narrow slit. 

  • High Cutting Efficiency

The laser cutting machines generally come up with CNC machines to perform the cutting process.

While operating, you only need the CNC program to apply various shapes.

  • Speedy Cutting Process

Slitting a 2mm carbon sheet with the fiber laser machine, the speed can hit up to 600cm/min with the power of 1200w. While slitting 5mm polypropylene resin, the speed can hit up to 1200cm/min.

  • Applicable to Many Types of Materials

Many materials can be slit using laser cutting machines. Structural steel, stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, copper, and brass are some of them.

But, the cutting speed may differ based on different material properties and thickness. 

  • Flexible and Adaptable

Laser cutting is a more adaptable method compared to other methods. 

Firstly other methods can’t work on small areas like the laser beam, due to which deformation occurs.

Secondly, other methods can’t slit non-metals as laser cutting can.

Advantages of Fiber Laser Cutting

  • No heat Damage to the Objects

The laser discharged through the fiber laser cutting machine is robust, which is why it can slit sturdy materials like steel. Also, the fiber laser is so precise that the beam doesn’t cause any damage to the surrounding material on which they are working.

This technology is apt in the electronics industry, where the beam needs to work at the small parts without impairing them.

  • Better Performance

The fiber laser offers superior performance over many counterparts. With a highly focused beam and high power densities, it can deliver accurate levels of precision. 

  • Less Expensive

Probably the most valuable advantage of fiber laser cutting is its price. For beginners, it doesn’t need expensive optical mirrors as compared with the other laser technology. 

The focusing lens comes sealed with the cutting head. Due to this, one can maintain the focusing lens properly instead of getting impaired.

  • Boost in Cutting Speed

Another benefit of using fiber laser cutting is that it enhances the speed of cutting. While cutting 1mm thick material, the fiber laser can cut three times quicker than other traditional processes.

  • Cutting Reflective Material

Slitting reflective material was one of the major challenges with traditional cutting methods. There was a probability; the laser can bounce off the reflective material, which can damage the equipment.

This is no longer an issue with the fiber laser method, which allows you to cut these materials.

Components Of Fiber Lasers Machines

Fiber laser cutting is a widely used technology in various industries. After buying the right fiber laser machine, the components come next. One should take care of these components and change them as and when required. Below are some core components of this technology.

  • Machine Body
  • Laser Source
  • Lenses
  • Laser cutting head
  • CNC (Computer Numerical Control) System
  • Operating Table
  • Cold Water Unit
  • Gas cylinder
  • Air Cooling Filter
  • Other auxiliary components like slag discharging machine, stabilizer power supply
  • Wear-out dust collector

The above component remains the same in every fiber laser machine, including the Mazak parts and Prima parts. Mazak parts and Prima parts are good quality parts for fiber laser machines and durable.

End Words

We hope this article has given you fruitful insights regarding fiber lasers, their advantages when someone uses them, and their components.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

CO2 Vs. Fiber Laser: Which one to choose?

Which is better technology? CO2 vs Fiber Laser is one of the common discussions in the manufacturing circle for many years.

Most manufacturers utilize both CO2 and Fiber technologies. They do so as they have noted the difference in technologies, abilities, and performance. Ultimately the selection of the technology comes down to the material you are cutting and its thickness.

The common thing between them might be Mitsubishi spare parts and Trumpf parts. However, Mitsubishi spare parts are superior.

Let’s know the CO2 and Fiber Laser process and their advantages and disadvantages.

1. CO2 Lasers

CO2 laser development dates back to 1964 by Kumar Patel. It is quite a convenient process even today. CO2 lasers are the high power continuous-wave lasers available at present. It is one of the oldest gas lasers available.

What is CO2 laser cutting?

In CO2 laser cutting, the light begins to process when electricity runs into a gas-filled tube. The gas tube has mirrors at both ends. One mirror is quite reflective and the other one lets the light come through.

The mirrors lead the laser beam to the material that needs to be slit. The gas is usually a blend of nitrogen, helium, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide.

Advantages of CO2 Lasers

  • Good Finishing

 CO2 lasers can give you a finer edge on stainless and aluminum workpieces.

  • It is Flexible

CO2 lasers can work across the range of non-metals and laser applications.

  • Good With Thick Materials

Lasering a thick material is no more an issue with CO2 lasers. The CO2 lasers leave the finishing even smoother on thick materials than fiber lasers.

  • Faster Process

The CO2 lasers slit the material faster in a straight line. Also, it offers a quick probing time from when the cutting is first started.

Disadvantages of CO2 Lasers

  • Maintenance

Most of the components present in this technology need maintenance. This can not only disrupt your manufacturing process but also be expensive.

  • Machine Size

The major issue with the CO2 cutting is its machine size. The machines are gigantic. Additionally, the CO2 tube requires much space. In a nutshell, it can occupy a big area. It is an issue when you are working in a small workshop or running a small business.

  • Difficulty in Transporting

As it is a heavy and gigantic machine it is not transportable. Moving the machine to another place is a sluggish and costly process.

2. History of Fiber Lasers

Fiber Laser’s invention dates back to 1963 by Elias Snitzer. Yet, it took 2 decades to develop before they could be used commercially.

Even after hitting the market almost after twenty years, they are still away from being perfect. Though the first fiber laser was useful, it was not apt for heavy industry use as we see today.

What is Fiber Laser Cutting?

It is the heated cutting process that utilizes a high power density laser beam to melt, evaporate, and slit.

At the same time, high-speed airflow blows away the molten material, gaining on the cutting process.

The fiber lasers are constantly expanding their field. Though it is not perfect, it has become the hot spot of industry research and development. 

Advantages of Fiber Lasers

  • Low Maintenance

Optic fiber transmission, without a reflector, is maintenance-free and can save a lot of maintenance cost. Its mass use of mirrors, bellows has a less amount of cost associated with maintenance.

  • Speed

There is no comparison between CO2 and Fiber Laser in thin materials. Fiber lasers have double or triple the speed.

Numerous Varieties of Cutting Materials

One can use the fiber lasers on a range of materials like metal, non-metal, leather, wood, fiber. But, different materials might require different laser cutting techniques based on properties. 

Disadvantages of Fiber Lasers

  • Finishing of Thick Material

One of the advantages of a CO2 laser is finishing on the thick materials, especially stainless steel and aluminum. Fiber laser technology is still far compared to the CO2 in this case.

  • Flexibility

CO2 lasers are more flexible as compared to CO2 lasers. The CO2 lasers can slit a broad range of materials, especially non-metals. 

  • Up to You

Like every other technology, these both come with strengths and weaknesses. CO2 is older and the Fiber lasers are gaining the market fast. With the speed benefits, the operating cost is also less than the CO2 lasers. 

Financial savings from the fiber lasers can be game-changing. But, you should choose technology based on material and other resources. Like if you need to work on thick material, CO2 lasers would offer better finishing. For the thin material, you should go with fiber lasers.


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Plasma Cutter Consumables: A Mini Guide

Today almost every industry requires a type of plasma cutter for a successful cut. It usually involves having high-quality parts for cutting edge marks. Behind the scenes, it requires a quality plasma cutter, proper handling methods, timely maintenance, and other motion control tools.

Often neglected are the consumables, i.e., plasma cutter components that wear over time and usage. You often forget to replace them, unaware that a faulty part can disrupt other components' progress too. What should you do to avoid it? 


Maintain the torch. It can ensure that Kaliburn plasma components are working correctly. But for that, you need to maintain all consumable parts in the plasma torch. 


What are those main components of a plasma torch? What is its durability? How to increase their shelf life? 


Let's find answers to these questions. But first, a layman introduction of Plasma cutter consumables. 


What is Plasma Cutter Consumable?


In simple terms, plasma cutter consumables are the components of a plasma cutter. This machine uses an accelerated jet of hot plasma to cut electrically conductive materials like steel, aluminum, brass, and others.


Components of Kaliburn Plasma Consumables


The torch and consumable parts together yield the plasma cutting arc. The main components include swirl ring, electrode, nozzle, shield cap, and retaining cap. 


They remain the same for all the consumables, including Hypertherm Powermax 45xp fine cut consumables and Kaliburn plasma consumables.


Swirl Ring


It is a small component in the torch. It channelizes the gas coming from the machine in different directions and temperatures. Additionally, it balances the flow of gas inward and outward. 


Swirl Ring acts as a protective layer and prevents the nozzle from burning or degrading rapidly. 




The electrode is a slender, narrow piece of copper or silver and contains hafnium or tungsten. Its purpose is to carry current from the torch to the plate, which arcs the plate after passing through the stages.




The nozzle focuses the arc on the plate and cuts. As it remains in the middle of superheated gas, it may wear out sooner. Thus, the electrode's backend has a cooling device that helps in transferring the heat. 


FYI, a large opening nozzle is used for gouging and a small one for fine detailed work.


Retaining Cap


The role of the retaining cap is to hold all the consumable parts of a torch together. It is a component that wears out soon because of the heat on the ends. 


Shield Cap


As the name says, the shield protects the torch and other components from the molten metal or sparks. It takes over the brunt of fallout so that other components don't wear early. 


Durability of Plasma Cutter Consumable


Now that we know about the different components let's see how long they can last. 


The most affected are nozzle and electrode because of direct involvement with cuts and arcs. You should replace them simultaneously in a defined time frame. The other components, such as a swirl ring and retaining cap, are vulnerable to dropping and breaking. Replace them when any cracks appear. You don't need to replace the shield cap as long as you can clean the slag and ensure consistent airflow. Once the slag build-up is too large to remove, remember it's time to replace it. 


Tips to Prolong Life of Consumables 


Replacing consumables at the right time is essential. However, here are the three ways you can extend your plasma consumables' life. 


  1. Cutting: Fine cutting requires a lot of focus work. A quick or slow cut from a wrong distance can not only make the work wrong; it can also wear your parts quickly. 

  1. Installing: Ensure that the installation of components is proper as it would affect the functioning. See to it that tolerance matches the amperages and is well assembled. 

  1. Monitoring: Keep track of the components and their wearing. If a part wears, immediately replace it with a new one so that other parts are unaffected. Try to change the nozzle and electrode frequently so that they don't hamper the cut quality. 



Keeping a check on plasma cutter consumables and torch is essential. Besides, you should also maintain and replace them routinely. If not, they may cause a catastrophic failure.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

How Laser Cutting Works in Leather Industry

 From car seats to handbags, jackets, shoes, and others, leather is a widely used product in the market. Its design and flexibility make it easy to cut and shape into another. Technology has further made it possible to use leather for automobile seats, book bindings, fashion, and furniture.

The increasing application count highlights that the leather industry should replace the cutting process like stone knives and bone needles with laser cutting. Laser cutting is a popular technology and can enhance leather’s functionalities while maintaining quality.

Keep reading to learn more!

Laser Cutting

Laser cutting is a process of cutting metallic and non-metallic materials with a laser. You can use it for industrial or artistic purposes. 

How does it work? The cutter discharges a high laser beam, which then distorts the material and makes a cut.  

Role of Laser Cutting in Leather Industry

For making a leather product such as car leather, furniture, or shoes, you first need to cut the leather. Leather skin, being a non-uniform contour, makes it challenging to cut. Up to that, it requires a high level of knowledge, good observation skills, and high-quality tools like a laser cutter. 

Laser cutters provide high-quality cut in less time with the help of laser beams and computer technology. Generally, the CO2 laser beam focuses on the small spot. This focus then attains a high power density that converts photons into heat. The generated heat makes a hole in the material. Despite being at a high temperature, the laser cutter doesn’t deform the material. It is possible because of the cut seam that the hole produces.  

Processes Involved in Leather Industry

As leather needs to be cut in different shapes and sizes, laser cutting involves two different processes to accomplish the goals. The two approaches are nesting and cutting sequences. 


Nesting means positioning parts in such a way that they throw minimal waste on cutting. However, it is not a suitable choice because it doesn’t guarantee the complete utilization of material. This uncertainty makes it challenging for large businesses to follow this process. Besides, a large-scale production might have to spend more than earn. The process involves a lot of challenges. However, to overcome it, the use of nesting software has increased. 

Cutting Sequence

Cutting sequence is a process that utilizes the shortest path to accomplish the cutting procedure. 

Along with processes, manufacturers like Trumpf spare parts and Bystronic laser parts also enhance the machine’s ability to engrave leather. 

Leathers Suitable for Laser Cutting

The four most suitable types are:

  • Natural Leather: unfinished leather used for dyed leathers.
  • Suede Leather: napped finish leather used for jackets, shoes, shirts, purses, furniture, etc. 
  • Synthetic Leather: artificial leather used for upholstering, shoes, and others.
  • Alcantara Leather: a synthetic material used in automotive.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Laser Cutting for Leather Industry


  • You can have clean and sealed edge cuts.
  • Have high production speed to finish more work in less time.
  • Produce high-quality products and intricate designs.
  • Save cost as power used is less.
  • Work with a piece of contactless equipment that doesn’t require manpower.

First, you need to choose a machine that has quality parts and features to leverage these benefits. Manufacturers like Trumpf spare parts and Bystronic laser parts provide high-quality products. Make sure to check them out.


  • You need experienced hands to operate the machine.
  • The natural quality of leather changes
  • While material burns down, flames occur. (Though you can solve it by keeping the machine in a ventilated area.)


It would be beneficial to have a laser cutting tool in your leather business. Its extensive list of features and benefits makes it an attractive tool. Yet, to purchase it and its consumables, always prefer quality manufacturers like Trumpf spare parts and Bystronic laser parts.


Monday, December 28, 2020

A Comprehensive Guide to Laser Cutting Technology

We use many variants of cutting processes in different industries. Laser cutting is not an exception. It is widely used for different applications such as metal, nonmetal, ceramic, or so. 

A technology that we looked up to as a conventional form of cutting has its own techniques and processes that provide a whole new range of possibilities for industrial applications.

Besides, manufacturers like Precitec Laser Parts and Prima Laser Parts leave no stone unturned, ensuring different lasers such as Gas lasers, Crystal lasers, and Fiber lasers make the cutting swift and fast. To help you understand it better, we have listed down different techniques and types of lasers.

Types of Laser Used for Cutting

Generally, there are three main types of lasers. They are:

1. Gas Lasers

Gas laser cutting is also known as CO2 cutting. It uses an electrical simulating, i.e., carbon dioxide mixture for cutting. 

The gas laser cutting has its roots dating back to 1964. Back then, the laser was not strong enough to cut metal. Though it is now, the nonmetals remain the specialty. The laser has a wavelength of 10.6 and is widely used in medical and industrial sections. 

For cutting metals such as steel and aluminum, it uses nitrogen. Given the consequences, it is wise to take precautionary measures and ensure that nitrogen is pure. If it is not, the metal may oxidize.

2. Crystal Lasers

The lasers use crystals made from nd: YAG 

(neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) and nd: YVO 

(neodymium-doped yttrium ortho-vanadate). The crystals are of a solid-state group and can cut both metals and nonmetals.

Crystal lasers have a wavelength of 1.064 meters, and you can use it for multiple industrial applications, including medical, dentistry, military, and manufacturing. 

The drawback of using a crystal laser cutting process is that it is made of expensive pump diodes. Up to that, they have a shorter life expectancy than other lasers available in the market. The service life is around 8000-15000 hours. With time, the need to replace pump diodes or other parts can only cost you more.

Manufacturers like Precitec Laser Parts and Prima Laser Parts ensure that the machines are of good quality. So if you are ever looking for one, make sure you check them out. 

3. Fiber Lasers

Here comes the fiber laser cutting, the most popular and widely used process. Optical fibers are of a solid-state group and are quite similar to crystal lasers.

They also have a wavelength of 1.064 meters.

In comparison to CO2 laser cutting, they offer faster speed, less power consumption, and significantly reduced operational costs. 

What makes fiber laser cutting demanding is its service life. The lasers have a life of around 25,000 working hours, far more than the other two. It requires less maintenance. The replacement parts are inexpensive.

With types, it is quite clear that laser technology is a state of the art technology that requires experienced hands with advanced tools.

Different Laser Techniques

As we saw different types of lasers and laser cutting processes, there are different things that we can do with laser technology. Let us check them out. 

1. Marking

Marking is a process in which the laser melts the surface of the material and marks it. 

2. Engraving

Engraving is quite similar to marking. However, here the mark created is quite deep. Barcode creation is an example of it. 

3. Drilling

Drilling is a process that involves the creation of popping holes and dents in the material.

What does it mean for Businesses? 

The vast range of techniques and types means that laser technology is a futuristic approach. It can benefit a vast range of industries such as aerospace, automotive, electronics, semiconductors, and medical.

Even hobbyists and artists can use laser technology to create complex shapes and designs for their artistic purposes.
